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Toileting together at night

Night-time toileting

How you approach night-time is likely linked to where and how your family sleeps.  Being well rested is vital, so make the night-time choices that work for you.  

Newborns pee frequently and are generally sensitive to a wetness so if you aren't able to change their nappy or potty them frequently at night then you'll want a feel-dry nappy to improve your chances at long stretches of sleep.  See our information on nappies here

A fact worth knowing is that babies, like adults, produce anti-diuretic hormone in their sleep to keep them dry.  The urge to pee comes on very soon after waking (even if ever so slightly).  Therefore, newborns often become restless in the night from that uncomfortable urge to pee/poo or to eat.  Their shifting and squirming before waking is your opportunity to help your baby relieve themselves quickly before they've even fully woken up.     

Interrupted sleep is a way of life with babies, so if you are going to be up anyway you could give night-time toileting a go. Surprisingly, the lack of distractions can make night-time toileting easier than in the day. All you need is a potty, wipes and stock of nappies (for misses) next to their bed and a dim night-light to see what you are doing. 

Mother and Baby Sleeping

By putting a bit of cloth inside to reduce splash or limit any mess if it is accidentally knocked over in the dark.  Eventually, you may become confident enough to let them sleep without a nappy (on a liner and waterproof pad) to make night-time access faster and easier. 

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